July Parkview Newsletter

Don’t Miss Popsicles in the Park – July 13th!

Hello neighbors! Summer is officially here and the days are jam-packed – and we’ve got a couple community activities to add to the pile 📅 Check out the upcoming events below, and don’t forget: neighborhood meeting tonight at 7!

Popsicles in the Park

Saturday July 13, 10am–12pm
Pop out, meet your neighbors, and enjoy a free popsicle 🎉 Meet us at The Clubhouse, and grab one for you and the kiddos!

Community Garden Work Days

Sunday July 21, 9am–12pm
Saturday August 3, 9am–12pm
Bring your tools & gloves and help us plant fall perennials, pull weeds, and stake trees in the orchard – no prior garden knowledge required! Meet us at the Community Gardens.

Saturday November 9, 12–4pm
Join us for the annual fundraiser and neighborhood shindig! Shop the artist and maker market, enter raffles, and put your pie-making skills to the test! Applications for artists & makers are now open!

Be sure to check parkviewcivicclub.com to find more upcoming events in the future!

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Farewell to legacy resident Myrtle

From neighbor Megan S.

“Parkview has lost a neighbor! 💔 Myrtle, who resided at 290 Eleanor, passed away this morning (July 2). You’ve likely waved to her loving husband Bobby many times on your walks. He was endlessly dedicated to taking care of her.”

Sending care and comfort to all who knew her.

July Neighborhood Meeting (tonight)!

The Parkview neighborhood meeting takes place on the second Monday of every month, and all neighbors are encouraged to join! The next meeting will take place tonight, Monday, July 8th at 7pm at The Clubhouse, 353 Wilkinson Dr SE Atlanta GA 30317.

Get caught up on past meetings with the Meeting Minutes archive.

Other ways to get involved with the neighborhood:

Contact Us

Got an idea to share? Neighborhood history? Questions for the PCC?Anecdotes about Parkview? We’d love to hear from you, here’s how you can reach us:

  • Contact Form (preferred)

  • Slack: join the #outreach-committee channel and send us a message.